Young men reflect on their journey

Throughout the month of November, adventurous teenagers in several parishes across Malta have put on their explorer’s hat, brought out their compasses and set out on their boats on an imaginary journey.

The exercise was one of the two vocational activities the seminarians hold in particular parishes as part of a vocational programme spread over a period of years, and which are done in collaboration with already existing catechism classes. Two seminarians are sent per parish and although this project…

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – I am believed because I believe

To believe is to nurture a relationship with Christ.

Putting Christ at the centre of my life has no value if it does not open me up towards others, especially those in need.

Here is an adoration session (in Maltese) on the theme of faith as a guiding light and a plea to open us to others.

Adorazzjoni tal-Ħamis- Nemmen u għalhekk nitwemmen


23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – I am believed because I believe

2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14
Psalm 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15
2 Thessalonians 2:16-3:5
Luke 20:27-38

The liturgical texts for this week’s liturgy blend in the steadfast faith of the seven sons of the widow who refused to give in to cultural influences even at the threat of death with the promise of eternal life, which begins in this world and which reaches its fulfillment in the world to come.

It is fitting to reflect on the gift of faith as a light which guides us…

Whereto & 4 What? – Vocational Week

Have you ever asked yourself the question “What am I doing here and now?” Have you ever pondered about the direction in which you should point your abilities and resources in your life? Do you often find yourself wondering whether you are doing the right thing? Is it perhaps that there is something else that you are seeking?

If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, be assured that you are in good company. If not, find some…

Two young men vow celibacy

“The vow of celibacy which today you are solemnly taking before us all is a willful decision which ultimately makes you indeed fathers – spiritual fathers – of the persons entrusted to you.” These were the words of Mons. Charles J. Scicluna during the homily of a mass on 20 October, 2013.

During the mass, celebrated at the Archbishop’s Seminary, in Tal-Virtu’, Rabat, two young men, Brian Gialanze’ and Luke Cutajar, from the Parish of St Peter in Chains, B’Bugia…

Catching a glimpse of Seminary life

A number of young men who attend the Minor Seminary took up the challenge of tasting seminary life through a weekend live-in. The theme of the live-in revolved around the relationship they have with their parents: their hopes and fears, their expectations and their difficulties.