Erba’ saċerdoti ġodda

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 3 ta’ Lulju 2015, Festa ta’ San Tumas Appostlu, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ser jordna erba’ saċerdoti ġodda (tlieta djoċesani u wieħed reliġjuż) waqt Quddiesa fil-Kon-katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tibda fis-6:30 p.m.

L-erba’ djakni li ser jiġu ordnati saċerdoti huma:

Rev. Carlo Calleja mill-Parroċċa ta’ Stella Maris, Tas-Sliema,
Rev. Christopher Ellul mill-Parroċċa ta’ Kristu Re, Raħal Ġdid,
Rev. Bertrand Vella OFM Cap,
Rev. Mark Joseph Zammit mill-Parroċċa ta’ Marija Annunzjata, Ħal Tarxien.
Kulħadd huwa mistieden biex jattendi għal velja ta’…

Highlights of 2014

Another year has flown by, and here are some photos that highlight some of the special moments we had as a community during this year.




1. Joseph F.X. Zahra, who  is one of five members on the International Audit Committee of the Holy See and the Vatican State delivered one of the community meetings.



2. Religious students were invited for prayer during…

Theology Students in aid of Uffiċċju Ejjew Għandi

A yearly appointment at University is ‘The Make My House A Home Campaign’, organised by Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija GħST in collaboration with RTK. The Orange Campaign, as it is more widely known on campus, ran from Thursday 4th to Friday 5th December. The total sum collected until the end of the event is €4,500, of which €2,700 were collected on campus through squeezing of oranges, sale of oranges, doughnuts, hot beverages, cakes, cupcakes and other sweets.

The event…

Għaddew l-eżamijiet!

Żmien l-eżamijiet!  X’naqbdu nsejħulu … żmien ta’ paniku, ta’ ansjetà jew forsi ta’ stress.  Fuq kollox żmien fejn l-istudent jirrifletti minn dak kollu li jkun għadda matul is-semestru!

Bħala seminarista tal-ewwel sena, kienet l-ewwel darba tiegħi mhux biss li qed nagħmel l-eżamijiet l-università iżda wkoll l-ewwel

keep calmdarba li kont qed nagħmel eżamijiet f’komunità.  Ikolli ngħid li dan iż-żmien għinni napprezza ferm aktar ir-rigal tal-komunità.

Qabelxejn, apprezzajt ħafna l-għajnuna li rċevejt mis-seminaristi…