L-għażla favur il-ħajja hi tema li spiss tiġi diskussa. Forsi għal ħafna minna, dan is-suġġet jibqa’ għaddej minn fuq rasna bla ma naħsbu xejn dwaru. Fil-ħajja magħġla tal-lum, ftit li xejn wieħed għandu ċans joqgħod jaħseb fuq il-ħajja. Iżda ħaġa tal-iskantament, diversi minna jeħduha qatta bla ħabel kontra dawk li jitkellmu favur l-abort jew l-ewtanasja. Dan għaliex ilkoll għandna għal qalbna l-valur tal-ħajja umana sa mit-tnissil tagħha u nagħrfu li hemm…
Whereto & 4 What? – Vocational Week
Have you ever asked yourself the question “What am I doing here and now?” Have you ever pondered about the direction in which you should point your abilities and resources in your life? Do you often find yourself wondering whether you are doing the right thing? Is it perhaps that there is something else that you are seeking?
If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, be assured that you are in good company. If not, find some…