Theology Students in aid of Uffiċċju Ejjew Għandi

A yearly appointment at University is ‘The Make My House A Home Campaign’, organised by Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija GħST in collaboration with RTK. The Orange Campaign, as it is more widely known on campus, ran from Thursday 4th to Friday 5th December. The total sum collected until the end of the event is €4,500, of which €2,700 were collected on campus through squeezing of oranges, sale of oranges, doughnuts, hot beverages, cakes, cupcakes and other sweets.

The event…

Ragħaj li jaħseb bil-moħħ ta’ Kristu

Ix-xbieha tar-ragħaj hija waħda komuni ħafna fl-Iskrittura Mqaddsa, kemm fit-Testment il-Qadim kif ukoll fit-Testment il-Ġdid.

Mhux biss hemm referenza għal kif m’għandux ikun ragħaj, imma wkoll għal kif għandu jġib ruħu ragħaj li jaħseb bil-Moħħ ta’ Kristu, ir-Ragħaj il-Kbir.

Agħfas hawn għal dokument PDF b’ mistoqsijiet ta’ riflessjoni fuq din it-tema

 Ragħaj li jaħseb bil-moħħ ta’ Kristu

Four young men ordained deacons

On Friday 8 November, four young men were ordained deacons by Archbishop Mons Paul Cremona O.P., during a mass in Birzebbugia.

In a jam-packed church dedicated to St Peter in Chains, hundreds of faithful gathered for this special moment, where by the laying of hands of the Archbishop, Br Christian A. Borg OFM Conv; Luke Cutajar from St Paul’s Parish, Rabat, Br Joseph Formosa OFM Conv, Brian Gialanzè from St Peter in Chains parish, were ordained deacons.

Here I am

Following the proclamation of…

Lectio Divina – Opening up to dialogue with God

The Lectio Divina suggested for this week invites us to consider how ready we are to open ourselves to dialogue with God.

The dialogue between Abraham and the three visitors can help us reflect more on this.

For reference to the text and questions for meditation (PDF, Maltese), click on the following link; Lectio_Gen_18

Tending the seedlings

One of the tasks of the seminarian is to help others discover their calling in life just as he himself has had others discover his own vocation. Weekend after weekend, tens of lively youngsters come together to play and to pray, to meet and to eat together….