Being an individual, alone, man has this drive of going outside of himself in search of something beyond him, something that transcends him, to which he can be in relation. This is an inherent drive to man, and it results in the expression of his freedom. Yet it may also lead to schizophrenic flights because of wrong choices. Some choose objects like money, sex and drugs. In the eyes of the world, these have true freedom as they seem…
Seven to be Ordained Deacons
On Friday 30th October 2015, six seminarians and a Conventual Franciscan friar are going to be ordained deacons by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna, during a celebration of Mass starting at 6:30pm, at St Sebastian’s Parish Church, Ħal Qormi.
The following will be ordained deacons: Allister Marija Aquilina OFM Conv.; Sergio Fenech and Mark Mallia Pawley from St Sebastian’s Parish Church, Ħal Qormi; Claude Mifsud, from the Parish of the Assumption of Our Lady, Mosta; James Saydon, from the Parish of…
“You do not know what you are asking!”
“You do not know what you are asking” (Mk 10,38). It is with these words that Mgr. Charles Scicluna started his homily last Sunday in a Mass he celebrated with our community, family members and some thirty Minor Seminary students and their parents, during which six seminarians that will be ordained deacons on 30 October made their promise of celibacy. To bring out the profound meaning of celibacy the Archbishop borrows the words from the Sunday Gospel that spoke…
Erba’ saċerdoti ġodda
Nhar il-Ġimgħa 3 ta’ Lulju 2015, Festa ta’ San Tumas Appostlu, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ser jordna erba’ saċerdoti ġodda (tlieta djoċesani u wieħed reliġjuż) waqt Quddiesa fil-Kon-katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tibda fis-6:30 p.m.
L-erba’ djakni li ser jiġu ordnati saċerdoti huma:
Apostleship of Prayer – June
Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for June.
This month’s reflection deals with how refugee challenges could enlighten one to reflect on what one can do to help.
On Thursday 14 May, 2015, three seminarians will be instituted as Lectors by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna at the Parish Church of the Holy Family, Iklin, at 7pm.
The three seminarians, who are in their fifth year of formation at the Archbishop’s Seminary, are Sinclair Bugeja from the Parish of the Holy Family, Iklin, Ryan Lee Pace from the Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Gżira, and Mark Spiteri from the Parish of Saint Philip of Agira, Ħaż-Żebbuġ.
The Ministry of…
Love and a dignified life for those suffering from mental conditions
Getting started:
I choose a quiet environment and take a comfortable position in order to prepare myself for prayer. I become aware of my body: am I feeling restless, anxious, worried? If so, I try to calm myself down. I breathe deeply while becoming aware of God’s loving gaze upon me and on those around me.
Short story:
John is a 60 year old gentleman who suffers from depression. He usually feels down and is very negative about his life situation. John…
Apostleship of Prayer – May
Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for May.
The intention challenges us to take care of the sick and the poor.
Hemm Stejjer Oħra – Diskors ta’ Jum il-Premjazzjoni tal-Iskola
Eċċellenza Mons Charles Scicluna merħba bħala Arċisqof għal din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-ħidma edukattiva li s-Seminarju qed iwettaq. Grazzi li qed maghna, mal-mistednin distinti , mal-ġenituri li qed jafdawna f’qasam tant importanti fil-ħajja ta’ uliedhom, mal-istudenti u mal-għalliema tal-komunità tagħna. Merħba lilkom ilkoll.
Filwaqt li niċċelebraw tant ħidma u ġid, huwa tajjeb li f’din l-okkażjoni napprezzaw il-valur ta’ dak li qed nagħmlu u kif nistgħu insaħħuħ. Id-dinja li qed ngħixu fiha mhix għaddejja minn żmien faċli. Hemm sfidi kbar, kumplessi, li jinkludu…