Advent Calendar 06-12-2014

Advent Calendar 05-12-2014

Advent Calendar 04-12-2014

Advent Calendar 03-12-2014

Advent Calendar 02-12-2014

Advent Calendar 01-12-2014

Apostleship of Prayer – November

Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for November.

The reflection rotates around the experience of solitude of a child.

Appostolat tat talb #finalNovember 2014

Novembru 2014

Authentic poverty

In this second of a series of reflections from the Pope’s Message for Lent 2014, we shall be focusing on the mystery of God – made – Man. For in the act of incarnation, God gave us the example par excellence of authentic poverty. You can read the same reflection in Maltese here.

Christ’s grace

First of all, it shows us how God works. He does not reveal himself cloaked in worldly power and wealth but rather in weakness and…

Do they know its Christmas time?

This year at the Seminary there is quite an unusual nativity scene. No Mary and Joseph, no fair-skinned Baby Jesus and no sheep either. Instead, on one side, a beacon, below which is a red life jacket lying and an empty beer bottle lying on rocks. To the right a fishing boat, with nets spread over its sides. In the centre, on a pallet holding some hay and fishing nets, lies Baby Jesus.

On 8 July on his visit in Lampedusa, Pope Francis…