Vox Pop: Il-Qassis Min Hu?

Jekk ikollna nagħmlu vox pop ta’ malajr fit-toroq jew il-pjazez Maltin dwar il-mistoqsija: “il-qassis min hu?” jista’ jkun hemm min isemmi xi karattru li jidher fid-drama Maltija… karattru kemmxejn komiku jdur bir-rota, jiekol minn familja għal oħra. Jew inkella xi karattru ta’ saċerdot kemmxejn żagħżugħ li jqanqal kurżità fost in-nies, lest li jifhem u jagħti parrir. Jew inkella qassis anzjan ta’ fama qaddisa. Jista jkun hemm min jgħidlek, “il-qassis mhux dak li jkun l-knisja u jagħmel l-quddiesa?” Jista’ jkun…

Albania – Communism, Church, and Community

I spent five months living with Bishop George Frendo OP in Tirana Albania last year. Travelling to Albania felt like entering a time machine to the beginning of the church, not because the country was never evangelized but because of the atheistic dictatorship of Enver Hoxha, a few decades ago.

In the 1976 constitution, Hoxha stated that “The state recognizes no religion whatever and supports atheist propaganda for the purpose of inculcating the scientific materialist world outlook in people” convincing…

My Experience in Peru!

Following a six-month work phase with an EU institution in Brussels, I found myself boarding a series of planes en route to Iquitos, Peru, as my final destination. Little did I know what was in store for me! My first impression of Iquitos deceived me as I travelled along a nice tarmac road leading to the city, but as the motocarro (a hybrid between a motor and a car) took its first right, things changed. Pot-holed roads,…

Forming Priests in a Post-Trump Era – Part 2

(You can read Part 1 of this article here)

Beyond the establishment and anti-establishment

Analysis of recent political trends reveals that there is a dissatisfaction with the “establishment” that is entrenched in its self-serving policies and not listening to the aspirations of the people. In this context, to portray oneself as “anti-establisment” can also become trendy. Yet, does this condone and justify a divisive, demeaning language that demonizes “the other”?

Beyond that, and more pertinent to our argument, is a priest…

In good company

I have been a part of the seminary community for six years now, and sometimes I just wonder what’s the point of such a life when in my role as a diocesan priest I would probably be living on my own.  Do I get anything out of this? Sometimes we work hard to try to create an environment where people are able to live together, where they are able to hold good relationships, but really, is it worth anything?…

“You do not know what you are asking!”


“You do not know what you are asking” (Mk 10,38). It is with these words that Mgr. Charles Scicluna started his homily last Sunday in a Mass he celebrated with our community, family members and some thirty Minor Seminary students and their parents, during which six seminarians that will be ordained deacons on 30 October made their promise of celibacy. To bring out the profound meaning of celibacy the Archbishop borrows the words from the Sunday Gospel that spoke…

God is one illogical matrix…

Yes He Is! Trying to rationalize reality will sooner or later force one to conclude God is One Illogical Being. How is it that He loves us and yet He allows suffering, injustice and evil in the world?

Well, God might not be the only one! How can I explain my vocation to the priesthood as anything but illogical? After obtaining a Master’s degree in IT, and working for over six years in software

Jien Normali?

Bħalissa fil-midja għaddejja diskussjoni dwar l-età ta’ meta persuna tista’ tagħti kunsens sesswali. Dan juri kemm is-sess jingħata importanza fid-dinja tal-lum. Allura tiġi l-mistoqsija: huwa ‘normali’ min ma jagħżilx stil ta’ ħajja li jinkludi s-sess? Xi tfisser li persuna tkun ċelibi?

Iċ-ċelibat huwa stat ta’ ħajja fejn is-saċerdot ma jintrabatx ma’ persuna waħda (bħalma jiġri fiż-żwieġ) imma għażla biex ikun miftuħ ħalli jirċievi l-imħabba ta’ Alla espressa fil-poplu li jkun qed jaqdi. Dan il-ftuħ ma jitfaċċax f’daqqa, imma jikber fil-qalb…

Poplu mżejjen b’ħafna doni

Kemm taf tkun differenti ħajtek u l-ħajja tal-Knisja f’pajjiżna, jekk ikun hawn iktar vokazzjonijiet!  Alla ħalaqna għal skop partikolari.  Ilkoll għandna triq magħmula għalina biex nimxu wara Ġesù.  Din it-triq insejħulha ‘vokazzjoni’. 

Ħafna żgħażagħ x’aktarx jiżżewġu u jkollhom il-familja tagħhom.  Hemm il-ħajja reliġjuża, li hija mibnija fuq sejħa għal ħajja mogħtija lil Alla f’komunità skond skop (kariżma) partikolari.

Imma l-bażi tal-ħidma fid-djoċesi hi mwettqa mis-saċerdoti djoċesani li jieħdu ħsieb il-bżonnijiet spiritwali tan-nies li jgħixu f’lokalità m