Diġa għaddew ħmistax!! Hekk bdejt ngħid miegħi innifsi filwaqt li naħseb minn dak kollu li għaddejt dawn l-aħħar ġimgħatejn. L-għada tad-9 ta’ Novembru, ħsibt li qed noħlom ħolma, iżda ma kinetx. Il-parruċċani, sħabi fost oħrajn, iħarsu lejja u jitbissmu x’ħin jarawni liebes ftit differenti, imma kont u għadni nħossni li bqajt l-istess persuna. Għalkemm bqajt bil-karrattru tiegħi, nemmen li l-Mulej qed jaħdem permezz tal-faqar tiegħi. Fija nħoss dik ir-responsabilta’ ta’ dak kollu lil wegħdt lil Alla quddiem l-Isqof u…
60 Years On…
Sixty years have passed since the first student teachers entered the gate of Mater Admirabilis Training College at Tal-Virtù. However, this was but the new accomodation of the college, which opened its doors to the first group of 25 students on October 20, 1944 – feast of Mater Admirablis – at very cramped quarters in the convent/school at St. Julian’s. The initial ten-week course gradually developed into a two-year residential one, and a new college was built at Tal-Virtù. …
Work, pray, play
A handful of seminarians and students of religious orders put aside their books and assignments just for a day and got together to organise a football match.
This was just one of a number of events organised between these students who usually meet on campus or during liturgical ceremonies. This time however it was an opportunity to put into practice what is learnt on in university lecture rooms and to live a different kind of liturgy, that which expresses joy…