Fuq l-eżempju ta’ Marija

Kienu r-rgħajja l-ewwel li waslu, sabu u raw dak li kien tħabbrilhom mill-anġli: lil Marija, Ġużeppi u liċ-ċkejken Ġesù. Kienu dawn in-nies sempliċi u fqar, li iżda kienu lesti li jilqgħu dak li bagħat jgħidilhom il-Mulej permezz tal-anġli u mill-ewwel telqu sabiex jaraw lil dak li kien ġie mħabbar lilhom, kienu bnedmin disponibli li jisimgħu u jitilqu mill-ewwel u ma ħallew xejn ifixkilhom jew iżommhom milli jaqbdu t-triq lejn l-għar. Jaslu hemmek u jsibu familja, famija ċkejkna u fqira….


In Exodus 33, Moses converses with God in plea to have God show him His face. In so doing, Moses was perhaps expressing his deep desire to connect to God who not only was not preoccupied with Moses’ own human incapabilities, but, to the contrary, considered these very same limitations as having instrumental value with respect to the divine plan for the salvation of His chosen people. So while God did not accede to Moses’ request to directly reveal…

Forming Priests in a Post-Trump Era – Part 2

(You can read Part 1 of this article here)

Beyond the establishment and anti-establishment

Analysis of recent political trends reveals that there is a dissatisfaction with the “establishment” that is entrenched in its self-serving policies and not listening to the aspirations of the people. In this context, to portray oneself as “anti-establisment” can also become trendy. Yet, does this condone and justify a divisive, demeaning language that demonizes “the other”?

Beyond that, and more pertinent to our argument, is a priest…

It-Tielet Ħadd tal-Avvent

Bl-ingliż ngħidu ‘Actions speak louder than words’ u r-risposta li Ġesù ta lil Ġwanni kienet eżattament din. Ġwanni, minkejja li kien dak li pprepara t-triq għall-Mulej u ressaq persuni biex jitgħammdu u jitħejjew għall-wasla tal-Messija, qisu kien għadu ma fhemx eżatt x’tip ta’ Messija Ġesù kellu jkun. Il-ħajja li Ġesù kien qiegħed jgħix u l-mod ta’ kif kien qiegħed iwassal t-tagħlim tiegħu kien qisu għadu ma ħalliex il-marka neċessarja biex wieħed ikun ċert minn dak li hu Ġesù. Il-Lhud…

Forming priests for the post-Trump era – Part 1

According to the Washington Post, Clinton and Trump raised slightly more than 2 billion dollars for their campaign for Presidency. The Seminary in Malta – crowdfunded from parishes – gets an average of €120,000 for the entire year. So it might sound stupid to explore how to prepare young people as priests for the post-Trump era. The impression one gets is that it is more catering for a niche market for the few people who still have Sunday mass…

In good company

I have been a part of the seminary community for six years now, and sometimes I just wonder what’s the point of such a life when in my role as a diocesan priest I would probably be living on my own.  Do I get anything out of this? Sometimes we work hard to try to create an environment where people are able to live together, where they are able to hold good relationships, but really, is it worth anything?…

L-Ewwel Ħadd tal-Avvent

‘Wasla’ oħra – Mt 24: 37-44

Kulħadd xi darba jew oħra kien f’pożizzjoni li jistenna. Il-ħin ta’ stennija huwa ħin jew żmien li nibqgħu fejn aħna sakemm jasal il-pass li jmiss, bħal tarbija f’ġuf ommha biex jasal il-mument li tgawdi l-ħajja. Hekk ukoll huwa ż-żmien tal-Avvent. Iżda wasla għal xiex?
Il-kelma Avvent ġejja mill-Latin ‘Adventus’ li tfisser ‘wasla’, u għalhekk nistennew mhux biss li nfakkru l-ewwel wasla ta’ Kristu, meta l-Iben ta’ Alla sar Bniedem iżda wkoll tfakkarna fit-tieni wasla li Bin…

Music as expression

Humans are social animals. Communication is an important part of our being. We communicate almost all the time, using either speech or body language. Apart from being social, we are also rational animals. We therefore have a need to communicate thoughts, feelings and emotions. In our day to day communication, words flow naturally when we need to talk to each other. However, expressing feelings and emotions is much more tricky. In fact, words might not always do…

Church to use new stratagem

That’s it. The Year of Mercy is ending and the doors will soon be closed. The celebrations have started with great fanfare in Malta and around the world, but now the time has come to find a new concept and buzz word, a new marketing stratagem to attract people.
Well, that could be one way of seeing things which follows a marketing perspective whereby one constantly keeps offering new offers, products and needs. Another way could be that of keeping in…

Celebrating ‘Mater’

Yesterday evening, Sr Carmen Valentino RSCJ gave a talk to the Seminary community on the meaning and history of the image of Mater Admirabilis. This was done in preparation for the commemoration in honour of Mater – as it is affectionately referred to – to be held next Thursday at the Seminary.

Sr Carmen is a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart – a religious community which resides at the Seminary. The Society ran the Mater Admirabilis Training…