Last Monday morning, at around 6:45, four youths gathered in a small chapel at the Seminary. Together with their co-ordinator they contemplated and prayed the Magnificat. Then together they reflected upon a passage from the Scriptures through which they discerned God’s word for them for that particular day. Breakfast followed and then they cleaned their residential area. At around nine their Latin lecturer arrived. For the following hours they were introduced to the language, which is so central to…
Lura l-Università
Wara li konna diġa lestejna l-kors tagħna ġewwa l-universita` u kellna wkoll ix-xogħol tagħna, il-Mulej sejħilna biex nimxu warajĦ għal din il-mixja ta’ formazzjoni ġewwa s-Seminarju. Din il-mixja talbet minna li nieqfu mix-xogħol li kellna u nerġgħu nibdew kors ieħor ġewwa l-universta`.
Il-kors li għandna kif bdejna huwa totalment differenti minn dak li konna għamilna qabel. Aħna konna segwejna korsijiet b’temi xjentifiċi, filwaqt li issa qed nsegwu kors fil-Filosofija u t-Teologija. Id-differenza fil-korsijiet tinħass għax dan huwa kors li sakemm…
A live-in with a difference
On the weekend of the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year, the Seminary was buzzing with activity as some 30 Grade 7 students from the Seminary Secondary School participated in a weekend live-in.
The live-in was one of the annual live-ins organised for each Grade, by Fr Stephen Magro the School Chaplain and with the participation of other seminarians.
This was the first live-in at the Seminary for these youngsters aged 11-12, and…