Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for June.
This month’s reflection deals with how refugee challenges could enlighten one to reflect on what one can do to help.
Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for June.
This month’s reflection deals with how refugee challenges could enlighten one to reflect on what one can do to help.
On Thursday 14 May, 2015, three seminarians will be instituted as Lectors by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna at the Parish Church of the Holy Family, Iklin, at 7pm.
The three seminarians, who are in their fifth year of formation at the Archbishop’s Seminary, are Sinclair Bugeja from the Parish of the Holy Family, Iklin, Ryan Lee Pace from the Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Gżira, and Mark Spiteri from the Parish of Saint Philip of Agira, Ħaż-Żebbuġ.
The Ministry of…
The recent issue of 3-parent babies in the UK has again brought to the fore the Science-Faith debate. In this case, the Anglican and Catholic Churches have both voiced their concerns about this scientific possibility. But should they have spoken or should they have kept their place and refrain from interfering with what lies in the scientific sphere?
The process of 3-parent babies involves removing the genetic material from the donor’s…
Dak li għaddej bħalissa madwarna jfakkarni fid-diska ta’ John Lennon “Imagine”. F’din id-diska John Lennon jidentifika żewġ problemi fid-dinja: il-problema tal-idealiżmu reliġjuż u l-problema tal-kontroll. Fil-Lvant Nofsani u n-naħa ta’ fuq tal-Afrika, kif ukoll naraw l-effeti tagħha fl-Ewropa, hemm kunflitti mqajma minħabba l-idealiżmu reliġjuż. Filwaqt li fl-Ukrajna għandek kunflitt imqajjem minn kontroll fuq territorju. Għal dan John Lennon joffri soluzzjoni li kulħadd ikun l-istess u jaħseb l-istess, imma hija verament soluzzjoni?…
On Sunday 15th February, 2015, three seminarians will ask the Church to accept them officially as candidates for their Ordination to the Diaconate and the Presbiterate during a concelebrated Mass presided over by Bishop Charles J. Scicluna at the Parish Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Gżira, at 6:00pm.
The three seminarians, who are in their fifth year of formation at the Archbishop’s Seminary, are Sinclair Bugeja from the Parish of the Holy Family, Iklin, Ryan Lee Pace from…
Another year has flown by, and here are some photos that highlight some of the special moments we had as a community during this year.
1. Joseph F.X. Zahra, who is one of five members on the International Audit Committee of the Holy See and the Vatican State delivered one of the community meetings.
2. Religious students were invited for prayer during…
“F’lejl ta’ xitwa ġewwa Betlem…” Le! Mhux iżjed f’Betlehem… jew tal-anqas mhux f’Betlehem biss. M’għadux jitwieled F’Betlehem biss. Fil-Milied ma nfakkrux twelidu hemm biss. Dak kien elfejn sena ilu, avveniment tal-passat, parti minn żminijiet oħra… jew għadu żmienu? Ma nafx eżatt. Għax niġi bejn ħaltejn. Inħares fit-twieqi, fil-vetrini, fil-knejjes u fid-djar, u nilmaħ il-presepji u l-bambini mixgħulin, b’ilbies u b’dehriet ta’ żminijiet mbiegħda… Imma mbagħad naqla’ ħarsti minn fuq il-Bambin u l-presepju fit-twieqi jew fuq l-altar, u ndur lejn…
L-Isqof Charles J. Scicluna, Amministratur Appostoliku, ser jistitwixxi sitt seminaristi fil-ministeru tal-akkolitat, waqt ċelebrazzjoni li ser issir nhar il-Ġimgħa 19 ta’ Diċembru 2014, fil-knisja parrokkjali ta’ San Ġużepp, il-Kalkara. Il-Quddiesa tibda fis-6:30 p.m.
Is-sitt seminaristi huma Sergio Fenech u Mark Mallia Pawley mill-Parroċċa ta’ San Sebastjan Martri, Ħal Qormi, Claude Mifsud mill-Parroċċa ta’ Marija Mtellgħa s-Sema, il-Mosta, James Saydon mill-Parroċċa ta’ Marija Bambina, in-Naxxar, Andrew Schembri mill-Parroċċa ta’ San Ġorġ, Ħal Qormi, u Gilbert Scicluna mill-Parroċċa ta’ San Ġużepp, il-Kalkara.
L-għoti tal-ministeru tal-akkolitat jimmarka pass ieħor…
Christmas lights, decorations, staff parties, Christmas carols, delicious food…. How easy it is for one to only tick the to-do list of external, artificial things in preparation for Christmas and forget what the time of Advent really is.
“Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man” (tweet of Pope Francis on 21/12/13). Advent is not Christmas, thus to borrow from this tweet, Advent is not focusing on Bethlehem, it…
Diġa għaddew ħmistax!! Hekk bdejt ngħid miegħi innifsi filwaqt li naħseb minn dak kollu li għaddejt dawn l-aħħar ġimgħatejn. L-għada tad-9 ta’ Novembru, ħsibt li qed noħlom ħolma, iżda ma kinetx. Il-parruċċani, sħabi fost oħrajn, iħarsu lejja u jitbissmu x’ħin jarawni liebes ftit differenti, imma kont u għadni nħossni li bqajt l-istess persuna. Għalkemm bqajt bil-karrattru tiegħi, nemmen li l-Mulej qed jaħdem permezz tal-faqar tiegħi. Fija nħoss dik ir-responsabilta’ ta’ dak kollu lil wegħdt lil Alla quddiem l-Isqof u…