During this year dedicated to Mercy, Pope Francis canonized Mother Theresa, an inspirational person to all mankind. In every chapel that belongs to the Missionaries of Charity one finds a cross and the words “I Thirst” alongside. These remind us of the thirst that Christ has for each and every one of us.
During my time at university I have noted a thirst that many students have in their heart. Unfortunately many of them satiate this thirst with many worldly…
Erba’ saċerdoti ġodda
Nhar il-Ġimgħa 3 ta’ Lulju 2015, Festa ta’ San Tumas Appostlu, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ser jordna erba’ saċerdoti ġodda (tlieta djoċesani u wieħed reliġjuż) waqt Quddiesa fil-Kon-katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tibda fis-6:30 p.m.
L-erba’ djakni li ser jiġu ordnati saċerdoti huma:
Rev. Carlo Calleja mill-Parroċċa ta’ Stella Maris, Tas-Sliema,
Rev. Christopher Ellul mill-Parroċċa ta’ Kristu Re, Raħal Ġdid,
Rev. Bertrand Vella OFM Cap,
Rev. Mark Joseph Zammit mill-Parroċċa ta’ Marija Annunzjata, Ħal Tarxien.
Kulħadd huwa mistieden biex jattendi għal velja ta’…
Apostleship of Prayer – June
Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for June.
This month’s reflection deals with how refugee challenges could enlighten one to reflect on what one can do to help.
On Thursday 14 May, 2015, three seminarians will be instituted as Lectors by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna at the Parish Church of the Holy Family, Iklin, at 7pm.
The three seminarians, who are in their fifth year of formation at the Archbishop’s Seminary, are Sinclair Bugeja from the Parish of the Holy Family, Iklin, Ryan Lee Pace from the Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Gżira, and Mark Spiteri from the Parish of Saint Philip of Agira, Ħaż-Żebbuġ.
The Ministry of…
Apostleship of Prayer – May
Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for May.
The intention challenges us to take care of the sick and the poor.
Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for March. This month’s focuses on science and how it could be used both for our well-being as well as for our destruction.
Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for February. This month’s focuses on prisoners, especially the young, that they may be able to rebuild lives of dignity.
Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for January. This month’s focuses on how religions are collaborating today for a better world.
“F’lejl ta’ xitwa ġewwa Betlem…” Le! Mhux iżjed f’Betlehem… jew tal-anqas mhux f’Betlehem biss. M’għadux jitwieled F’Betlehem biss. Fil-Milied ma nfakkrux twelidu hemm biss. Dak kien elfejn sena ilu, avveniment tal-passat, parti minn żminijiet oħra… jew għadu żmienu? Ma nafx eżatt. Għax niġi bejn ħaltejn. Inħares fit-twieqi, fil-vetrini, fil-knejjes u fid-djar, u nilmaħ il-presepji u l-bambini mixgħulin, b’ilbies u b’dehriet ta’ żminijiet mbiegħda… Imma mbagħad naqla’ ħarsti minn fuq il-Bambin u l-presepju fit-twieqi jew fuq l-altar, u ndur lejn…
Calendar… but not only !
Christmas lights, decorations, staff parties, Christmas carols, delicious food…. How easy it is for one to only tick the to-do list of external, artificial things in preparation for Christmas and forget what the time of Advent really is.
“Advent is a journey towards Bethlehem. May we let ourselves be drawn by the light of God made man” (tweet of Pope Francis on 21/12/13). Advent is not Christmas, thus to borrow from this tweet, Advent is not focusing on Bethlehem, it…