
EVANĠELJU Mk 12:28b-34
Qari mill-Evanġelju skont San Mark

F’dak iż-żmien, wieħed mill-kittieba resaq fuq Ġesù u staqsieh: “Liema wieħed fost il-kmandamenti kollha huwa l-ewwel?”. Ġesù wieġbu: “L-ewwel wieħed huwa dan: Isma’ Iżrael! Il-Mulej, Alla tagħna, Mulej wieħed hu, u int għandek tħobb lill-Mulej, Alla tiegħek, b’qalbek kollha, b’ruħek kollha, b’moħħok kollu, u bil-qawwa tiegħek kollha. U t-tieni hu dan: Ħobb lil għajrek bħalek innifsek. Ma hemmx kmandament ieħor akbar minn dawn”.

Qallu l-kittieb: “Sewwa…

“Ara se nġedded kollox” (Apok. 21:5)

Dan il-vers mill-Ktieb tal-Apokalissi, attribwit lil San Ġwann l-Evanġelista, kien il-fulkru tal-irtir li permezz tiegħu nfetħet is-sena seminaristika 2021-2022. L-irtir ġie mmexxi mill-Prof. Edward Warrington, direttur spiritwali maċ-Ċentru tal-Ispiritwalità Injazjana u professur fl-Università ta’ Malta fil-Fakultà tal-Ekonomija, Immaniġġjar u Kontabilità.

F’10 sessjonijiet, Warrington stedinna biex nagħmlu dan il-vjaġġ ma’ San Ġwann, pass pass permezz tal-kapitli li nsibu f’dan il-Ktieb. Irtir, li permezz ta’ diversi temi, sejjaħ lill-komunità biex tidħol f’kontemplazzjoni,…

It-Tielet Ħadd tal-Avvent

Bl-ingliż ngħidu ‘Actions speak louder than words’ u r-risposta li Ġesù ta lil Ġwanni kienet eżattament din. Ġwanni, minkejja li kien dak li pprepara t-triq għall-Mulej u ressaq persuni biex jitgħammdu u jitħejjew għall-wasla tal-Messija, qisu kien għadu ma fhemx eżatt x’tip ta’ Messija Ġesù kellu jkun. Il-ħajja li Ġesù kien qiegħed jgħix u l-mod ta’ kif kien qiegħed iwassal t-tagħlim tiegħu kien qisu għadu ma ħalliex il-marka neċessarja biex wieħed ikun ċert minn dak li hu Ġesù. Il-Lhud…

L-Ewwel Ħadd tal-Avvent

‘Wasla’ oħra – Mt 24: 37-44

Kulħadd xi darba jew oħra kien f’pożizzjoni li jistenna. Il-ħin ta’ stennija huwa ħin jew żmien li nibqgħu fejn aħna sakemm jasal il-pass li jmiss, bħal tarbija f’ġuf ommha biex jasal il-mument li tgawdi l-ħajja. Hekk ukoll huwa ż-żmien tal-Avvent. Iżda wasla għal xiex?
Il-kelma Avvent ġejja mill-Latin ‘Adventus’ li tfisser ‘wasla’, u għalhekk nistennew mhux biss li nfakkru l-ewwel wasla ta’ Kristu, meta l-Iben ta’ Alla sar Bniedem iżda wkoll tfakkarna fit-tieni wasla li Bin…

Celebrating ‘Mater’

Yesterday evening, Sr Carmen Valentino RSCJ gave a talk to the Seminary community on the meaning and history of the image of Mater Admirabilis. This was done in preparation for the commemoration in honour of Mater – as it is affectionately referred to – to be held next Thursday at the Seminary.

Sr Carmen is a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart – a religious community which resides at the Seminary. The Society ran the Mater Admirabilis Training…

True Freedom

Being an individual, alone, man has this drive of going outside of himself in search of something beyond him, something that transcends him, to which he can be in relation. This is an inherent drive to man, and it results in the expression of his freedom. Yet it may also lead to schizophrenic flights because of wrong choices. Some choose objects like money, sex and drugs. In the eyes of the world, these have true freedom as they seem…

Apostleship of Prayer – June

Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for June.

This month’s reflection deals with how refugee challenges could enlighten one to reflect on what one can do to help.

gunju 2015

june 2015

God is one illogical matrix…

Yes He Is! Trying to rationalize reality will sooner or later force one to conclude God is One Illogical Being. How is it that He loves us and yet He allows suffering, injustice and evil in the world?

Well, God might not be the only one! How can I explain my vocation to the priesthood as anything but illogical? After obtaining a Master’s degree in IT, and working for over six years in software

Faith interfaces with science

The recent issue of 3-parent babies in the UK has again brought to the fore the Science-Faith debate. In this case, the Anglican and Catholic Churches have both voiced their concerns about this scientific possibility. But should they have spoken or should they have kept their place and refrain from interfering with what lies in the scientific sphere?CBugeja_SundayTimes (2)

The process of 3-parent babies involves removing the genetic material from the donor’s…

Apostleship of Prayer – March

Appostolat tat talb #final

Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for March.
This month’s focuses on science and how it could be used both for our well-being as well as for our destruction.

March 2015

Marzu 2015