EVANĠELJU Mk 10:35-45 …
Bidu ta’ sena ġdida
Għeżież qarrejja u ħbieb tas-Seminarju,
Nittamaw li tinsabu lkoll tajbin.
Din is-sena seminaristika tat il-bidu tagħha nhar il-21 ta’ Settembru 2021. Il-komunità tas-Seminarju huwa l-post fejn kull wieħed minna jiġi ffurmat biex filwaqt li jkompli jagħraf is-sejħa tiegħu, jagħraf aħjar min hu u kif jista’ jkun ta’ ġid kemm għall-komunità kif ukoll ‘il quddiem fil-Knisja fis-servizz tiegħu bħala saċerdot. Għalhekk, nirringrazzjaw lill-Mulej tal-mod kif jaħdem fina u permezz tagħna.
Life at the Seminary… in Zambia!
In January 2017, Fr Mark Sultana – spiritual director at the Archbishop’s Seminary – travelled to Kitwe, Zambia to deliver a series of lectures at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary. We were curious to find out about seminarians there and seminary life, about their call and vocation. What’s different? What’s similar? Below is the first of two experiences we shall publish this week. This was written by Francis Songwe.
It was during the time I was preparing to go to…
In good company
I have been a part of the seminary community for six years now, and sometimes I just wonder what’s the point of such a life when in my role as a diocesan priest I would probably be living on my own. Do I get anything out of this? Sometimes we work hard to try to create an environment where people are able to live together, where they are able to hold good relationships, but really, is it worth anything?…
Celebrating ‘Mater’
Yesterday evening, Sr Carmen Valentino RSCJ gave a talk to the Seminary community on the meaning and history of the image of Mater Admirabilis. This was done in preparation for the commemoration in honour of Mater – as it is affectionately referred to – to be held next Thursday at the Seminary.
Sr Carmen is a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart – a religious community which resides at the Seminary. The Society ran the Mater Admirabilis Training…
Here’s to new beginnings!
The Seminary Bookfair 2016
The Seminary Bookfair 2016 is being organised by the Theology Library together with The Archbishop’s Seminary from 22nd to 24th April, 2016, at The Archbishop’s Seminary, in Tal-Virtù, Rabat. The bookfair will feature the sale of second hand books including the following subjects: Theology, Philosophy, Scripture, Canon Law, Melitensia, and much more.
Opening times of The Seminary Bookfair 2016:
Friday: 16:00 – 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 12:00 & 16:00…
Apostleship of Prayer – May
Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for May.
The intention challenges us to take care of the sick and the poor.