Poplu mżejjen b’ħafna doni

Kemm taf tkun differenti ħajtek u l-ħajja tal-Knisja f’pajjiżna, jekk ikun hawn iktar vokazzjonijiet!  Alla ħalaqna għal skop partikolari.  Ilkoll għandna triq magħmula għalina biex nimxu wara Ġesù.  Din it-triq insejħulha ‘vokazzjoni’. 

Ħafna żgħażagħ x’aktarx jiżżewġu u jkollhom il-familja tagħhom.  Hemm il-ħajja reliġjuża, li hija mibnija fuq sejħa għal ħajja mogħtija lil Alla f’komunità skond skop (kariżma) partikolari.

Imma l-bażi tal-ħidma fid-djoċesi hi mwettqa mis-saċerdoti djoċesani li jieħdu ħsieb il-bżonnijiet spiritwali tan-nies li jgħixu f’lokalità m

Random photos from 2013

2013 is reaching its end! This is a fitting time to present some of the random photos taken in our community throughout the year.

A peaceful New Year to all!

2013 in pictures Clockwise, starting top left: Students presenting a poster which they designed to our deacons after following a course of Lenten talks with secondary school students | A community meeting on Domestic…

A Christmas adventure

Last Friday morning a group of third and fourth formers braved the rainy weather and did something – a vocational activity – that perhaps few would be ready to do during their Christmas holidays!

Some 25 thirteen and fourteen year olds met at the Malta International Airport, together with Vocations Director Fr Michael Bellizzi, and a handful of seminarians. They started off the day with a Mass celebrated in the Airport Chapel, animated by the seminarians themselves.

After Mass, they set off…

Serata mżewqa u tant mistennija

Lejla ferm mistennija għall-komunità tas-Seminarju hija l-hekk imsejħa, ‘is-Serata tal-Milied’ li ssir kull sena fit-13 ta’ Diċembru.  Din il-lejla sarrfet it-tħejjijiet u l-impenji kollha illi l-komunità tant investiet mhux biex żammithom misturi għaliha iżda biex fl-istess waqt, aħna s-seminaristi f’ħidmietna, kbirna fir-relazzjonijiet ta’ bejnietna.   L-istess esperjenza komunitarja qsamnieha ma’ dawk qrabatna li jafu l-għeruq tagħna kif ukoll mal-persuni kollha preżenti fis-sala u saħansitra fil-ħajja tagħna permezz tat-talb tagħhom lejn dan il-post u min jgħix fih.

L-Innu Nazzjonali kien…

What are we about?

human being in worldSeminarians hooked me to the virtual. I hope that’s not because they got tired from hearing me for real. So here I am to welcome you to the Seminary reality. What are we about?

The lauching of the website comes in the middle of many activities at our Seminary in Rabat (Malta): signing the collective agreement with our employees, a splendid Christmas village organized by…

A great little book for Advent

A group of seminarians in charge of animating the spiritual life of the community have come up with this tiny booklet, hardly bigger than a postage stamp, but which presents a short scriptural reading and an original prayer for every day of Advent till Christmas Day.

The reflections revolve around the four themes which the community are focusing on throughout this year, namely trust, contemplation, dialoge and peripheries.

The ingenuity of this finger-held book is that it presents incisive reflections for…

They recognised him as he broke the bread

What is more meaningful than sharing one’s own meal, that which gives you life and energy with others?

Three young men, Carlo Calleja from Stella Maris Parish, Sliema, Christopher Ellul from Christ the King Parish, Paola and Mark J. Zammit from The Annunciation Parish, Tarxien were given the ministry by the Church to do just that.

But it is no simple meal that they now have the responsibility to share with others. It is the Paschal meal, the bread and wine which…

A live-in with a difference

On the weekend of the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year, the Seminary was buzzing with activity as some 30 Grade 7 students from the Seminary Secondary School participated in a weekend live-in.

The live-in was one of the annual live-ins organised for each Grade, by Fr Stephen Magro the School Chaplain and with the participation of other seminarians.

This was the first live-in at the Seminary for these youngsters aged 11-12, and…

Work, pray, play

A handful of seminarians and students of religious orders put aside their books and assignments just for a day and got together to organise a football match.

This was just one of a number of events organised between these students who usually meet on campus or during liturgical ceremonies. This time however it was an opportunity to put into practice what is learnt on in university lecture rooms and to live a different kind of liturgy, that which expresses joy…

Laqgħa fuq Marketing

Is-Seminarju jipprova jħejjina għad-dinja ta’ barra minn ħafna rkejjen hekk li jlaqqagħna mar-realtajiet u t-talbiet tal-poplu fil-ħajja tal-lum.  Minn żmien għal żmien, ikollna fostna mistiedna illi jiġu jkellmuna dwar suġġetti differenti kif ukoll imħallta; mhux biss li għandhom x’jaqsmu mal-aspett spiritwali iżda wkoll fuq l-hekk imsejħa, ‘ta’ kuljum’!

Din id-darba kien imiss li nitħaddtu dwar kif wieħed jista’ jippromwovi l-prodott tiegħu lin-nies hekk li jiċċara u jfisser l-għan u l-użu tiegħu fost l-oħrajn….