Niddjaloga biex inti tagħraf dak li nagħraf jien Din hija waħda mill-lectio divina li ssir kull ħmi GASMV 28 February 2014
Għall-mistrieħ f’Għawdex oħt Malta Wara xahar ta' impenn li ġabu għal darb'oħra l-eża GASMV 21 February 2014
Doing Theology through Art Faith is said to be a personal journey leading to Fr David 18 February 2014
A taste of the Joy of the Gospel Dialogue,Hope, Contemplation and Peripheries are t GASMV 13 February 2014
Għaddew l-eżamijiet! Żmien l-eżamijiet! X’naqbdu nsejħulu ... żmien ta Fr Osmar Baldacchino 5 February 2014
More respect for wisdom & experience of the elderly This is the Pope's prayer intention for the month GASMV 3 February 2014