Albania – Communism, Church, and Community

I spent five months living with Bishop George Frendo OP in Tirana Albania last year. Travelling to Albania felt like entering a time machine to the beginning of the church, not because the country was never evangelized but because of the atheistic dictatorship of Enver Hoxha, a few decades ago.

In the 1976 constitution, Hoxha stated that “The state recognizes no religion whatever and supports atheist propaganda for the purpose of inculcating the scientific materialist world outlook in people” convincing…

My Experience in Peru!

Following a six-month work phase with an EU institution in Brussels, I found myself boarding a series of planes en route to Iquitos, Peru, as my final destination. Little did I know what was in store for me! My first impression of Iquitos deceived me as I travelled along a nice tarmac road leading to the city, but as the motocarro (a hybrid between a motor and a car) took its first right, things changed. Pot-holed roads,…

Missier Twajjeb

Issa li kważi ser jagħlaq sentejn fil-ħidma tiegħu, nistgħu nsejħu lil Papa Franġisku Missier Twajjeb! U forsi hawn min jistaqsi: x’jagħmlu hekk? Franġisku min-natural tiegħu jħobb ikun qalb in-nies: qalb l-ulied tal-Missier li l-istess Missier fdalu f’idejh. Jidħaq ma’ min jidħaq, jibki ma’ min jibki, jagħti kelma ta’ inkoraġġiment lil dawk li jesperjenzaw qtigħ il-qalb, tgħanniqa mill-qalb lill-marid, taptipa lill-batut:CMifsud_It-Torca dan hu Papa Franġisku għalija u żgur għal ħafna minna! Saħansitra…

Theology Students in aid of Uffiċċju Ejjew Għandi

A yearly appointment at University is ‘The Make My House A Home Campaign’, organised by Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija GħST in collaboration with RTK. The Orange Campaign, as it is more widely known on campus, ran from Thursday 4th to Friday 5th December. The total sum collected until the end of the event is €4,500, of which €2,700 were collected on campus through squeezing of oranges, sale of oranges, doughnuts, hot beverages, cakes, cupcakes and other sweets.

The event…

Authentic poverty

In this second of a series of reflections from the Pope’s Message for Lent 2014, we shall be focusing on the mystery of God – made – Man. For in the act of incarnation, God gave us the example par excellence of authentic poverty. You can read the same reflection in Maltese here.

Christ’s grace

First of all, it shows us how God works. He does not reveal himself cloaked in worldly power and wealth but rather in weakness and…

Praying for authentic economic development

The Pope invites people of different faiths to come together and pray:

That all may promote authentic economic development that respects the dignity of all peoples.

Getting started:

I sit in a comfortable place and try to leave the bustle of everyday life behind. As I sit I become aware of the sensation of my clothes against my skin, of the texture of the fabric. If I am wearing something uncomfortable, I adjust my clothes until I feel more comfortable.
