Niddjaloga biex inti tagħraf dak li nagħraf jien Din hija waħda mill-lectio divina li ssir kull ħmi GASMV 28 February 2014
Doing Theology through Art Faith is said to be a personal journey leading to Fr David 18 February 2014
Talbiet għall-Vokazzjonijiet Dawn li ġejjien jistgħu jintalbu bħala talbiet uni GASMV 11 February 2014
More respect for wisdom & experience of the elderly This is the Pope's prayer intention for the month GASMV 3 February 2014
Praying for authentic economic development The Pope invites people of different faiths to com GASMV 18 January 2014
Ragħaj li jaħseb bil-moħħ ta’ Kristu Ix-xbieha tar-ragħaj hija waħda komuni ħafna fl-Is Fr Matthew Pulis 3 December 2013
Lectio Divina – Opening up to dialogue with God The Lectio Divina suggested for this week invites Fr Matthew Pulis 16 November 2013
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – I am believed because I believe To believe is to nurture a relationship with Chris GASMV 14 November 2013
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – I am believed because I believe 2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14 Psalm 17:1, 5-6, 8, 15 2 GASMV 14 November 2013