Jekk ikollna nagħmlu vox pop ta’ malajr fit-toroq jew il-pjazez Maltin dwar il-mistoqsija: “il-qassis min hu?” jista’ jkun hemm min isemmi xi karattru li jidher fid-drama Maltija… karattru kemmxejn komiku jdur bir-rota, jiekol minn familja għal oħra. Jew inkella xi karattru ta’ saċerdot kemmxejn żagħżugħ li jqanqal kurżità fost in-nies, lest li jifhem u jagħti parrir. Jew inkella qassis anzjan ta’ fama qaddisa. Jista jkun hemm min jgħidlek, “il-qassis mhux dak li jkun l-knisja u jagħmel l-quddiesa?” Jista’ jkun…
My Experience in Peru!
Following a six-month work phase with an EU institution in Brussels, I found myself boarding a series of planes en route to Iquitos, Peru, as my final destination. Little did I know what was in store for me! My first impression of Iquitos deceived me as I travelled along a nice tarmac road leading to the city, but as the motocarro (a hybrid between a motor and a car) took its first right, things changed. Pot-holed roads,…
In good company
I have been a part of the seminary community for six years now, and sometimes I just wonder what’s the point of such a life when in my role as a diocesan priest I would probably be living on my own. Do I get anything out of this? Sometimes we work hard to try to create an environment where people are able to live together, where they are able to hold good relationships, but really, is it worth anything?…
Church to use new stratagem
That’s it. The Year of Mercy is ending and the doors will soon be closed. The celebrations have started with great fanfare in Malta and around the world, but now the time has come to find a new concept and buzz word, a new marketing stratagem to attract people.
Well, that could be one way of seeing things which follows a marketing perspective whereby one constantly keeps offering new offers, products and needs. Another way could be that of keeping in…
“I Thirst”
During this year dedicated to Mercy, Pope Francis canonized Mother Theresa, an inspirational person to all mankind. In every chapel that belongs to the Missionaries of Charity one finds a cross and the words “I Thirst” alongside. These remind us of the thirst that Christ has for each and every one of us.
During my time at university I have noted a thirst that many students have in their heart. Unfortunately many of them satiate this thirst with many worldly…
“The Synod on the Family… a personally moving experience” – Bishop Grech
Invited by the Seminary staff to give his own personal evaluation of the Synod on the Family as he experienced it during the three-week period between the 4th and 25th of October of this year, Bishop Mario Grech described the whole experience as “grace-filled” and personally “moving”. In his talk, held at the Seminary, the Bishop pinpointed three main breakthroughs in this Synod.
The first treated ecclesiology. Referring back to an intervention he himself made, the Bishop described the atmosphere…
True Freedom
Being an individual, alone, man has this drive of going outside of himself in search of something beyond him, something that transcends him, to which he can be in relation. This is an inherent drive to man, and it results in the expression of his freedom. Yet it may also lead to schizophrenic flights because of wrong choices. Some choose objects like money, sex and drugs. In the eyes of the world, these have true freedom as they seem…
Erba’ saċerdoti ġodda
Nhar il-Ġimgħa 3 ta’ Lulju 2015, Festa ta’ San Tumas Appostlu, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ser jordna erba’ saċerdoti ġodda (tlieta djoċesani u wieħed reliġjuż) waqt Quddiesa fil-Kon-katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tibda fis-6:30 p.m.
L-erba’ djakni li ser jiġu ordnati saċerdoti huma:
On Thursday 14 May, 2015, three seminarians will be instituted as Lectors by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna at the Parish Church of the Holy Family, Iklin, at 7pm.
The three seminarians, who are in their fifth year of formation at the Archbishop’s Seminary, are Sinclair Bugeja from the Parish of the Holy Family, Iklin, Ryan Lee Pace from the Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Gżira, and Mark Spiteri from the Parish of Saint Philip of Agira, Ħaż-Żebbuġ.
The Ministry of…
God is one illogical matrix…
Yes He Is! Trying to rationalize reality will sooner or later force one to conclude God is One Illogical Being. How is it that He loves us and yet He allows suffering, injustice and evil in the world?
Well, God might not be the only one! How can I explain my vocation to the priesthood as anything but illogical? After obtaining a Master’s degree in IT, and working for over six years in software