Faith interfaces with science

The recent issue of 3-parent babies in the UK has again brought to the fore the Science-Faith debate. In this case, the Anglican and Catholic Churches have both voiced their concerns about this scientific possibility. But should they have spoken or should they have kept their place and refrain from interfering with what lies in the scientific sphere?CBugeja_SundayTimes (2)

The process of 3-parent babies involves removing the genetic material from the donor’s…

Pro-Life choice

L-għażla favur il-ħajja hi tema li spiss tiġi diskussa. Forsi għal ħafna minna, dan is-suġġet jibqa’ għaddej minn fuq rasna bla ma naħsbu xejn dwaru. Fil-ħajja magħġla tal-lum, ftit li xejn wieħed għandu ċans joqgħod jaħseb fuq il-ħajja. Iżda ħaġa tal-iskantament, diversi minna jeħduha qatta bla ħabel kontra MMalliaPawley_Lehen_is-Sewwadawk li jitkellmu favur l-abort jew l-ewtanasja. Dan għaliex ilkoll għandna għal qalbna l-valur tal-ħajja umana sa mit-tnissil tagħha u nagħrfu li hemm…


Tiftaħ it-televixin jew il-gazzetta u tara jew taqra dwar qtil ’l hawn u gwerer ’l hemm, serq, sfruttar ta’ persuni, kriminalità u iktar. Iċempillek xi ħadd tal-familja jew tiltaqa’ ma’ xi ħadd li tafu u jirrakkuntalek fuq xi marda jew biċċa inkwiet oħra fil-familja. Tmur ix-xogħol u xi ħadd minn sħabek jiftaħ qalbu GScicluna_Il-Mumentmiegħek li għandu l-problemi mal-mara jew mar-raġel, jew forsi inkwetat bit-tfal minħabba xi vizzju jew relazzjoni li qiegħda…

Jien Normali?

Bħalissa fil-midja għaddejja diskussjoni dwar l-età ta’ meta persuna tista’ tagħti kunsens sesswali. Dan juri kemm is-sess jingħata importanza fid-dinja tal-lum. Allura tiġi l-mistoqsija: huwa ‘normali’ min ma jagħżilx stil ta’ ħajja li jinkludi s-sess? Xi tfisser li persuna tkun ċelibi?

Iċ-ċelibat huwa stat ta’ ħajja fejn is-saċerdot ma jintrabatx ma’ persuna waħda (bħalma jiġri fiż-żwieġ) imma għażla biex ikun miftuħ ħalli jirċievi l-imħabba ta’ Alla espressa fil-poplu li jkun qed jaqdi. Dan il-ftuħ ma jitfaċċax f’daqqa, imma jikber fil-qalb…

Highlights of 2014

Another year has flown by, and here are some photos that highlight some of the special moments we had as a community during this year.




1. Joseph F.X. Zahra, who  is one of five members on the International Audit Committee of the Holy See and the Vatican State delivered one of the community meetings.



2. Religious students were invited for prayer during…

Theology Students in aid of Uffiċċju Ejjew Għandi

A yearly appointment at University is ‘The Make My House A Home Campaign’, organised by Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija GħST in collaboration with RTK. The Orange Campaign, as it is more widely known on campus, ran from Thursday 4th to Friday 5th December. The total sum collected until the end of the event is €4,500, of which €2,700 were collected on campus through squeezing of oranges, sale of oranges, doughnuts, hot beverages, cakes, cupcakes and other sweets.

The event…

An absurd gift

Few things were as countercultural as The First Modern Pope’s bold statement in 1967. Then, amid the sexual revolution that was gaining momentum across the western world, Paul VI reaffirmed the practice of priestly celibacy in his encyclical letter On Priestly Celibacy. Needless to say, the instruction met strong opposition from all camps.

Despite frequent calls for revision of this stance, the Church’s position remains unequivocal: prior to being ordained deacon, the candidate is to publically assume before God and…

What are we about?

human being in worldSeminarians hooked me to the virtual. I hope that’s not because they got tired from hearing me for real. So here I am to welcome you to the Seminary reality. What are we about?

The lauching of the website comes in the middle of many activities at our Seminary in Rabat (Malta): signing the collective agreement with our employees, a splendid Christmas village organized by…