Diġa għaddew ħmistax!!

Diġa għaddew ħmistax!! Hekk bdejt ngħid miegħi innifsi filwaqt li naħseb minn dak kollu li għaddejt dawn l-aħħar ġimgħatejn. L-għada tad-9 ta’ Novembru, ħsibt li qed noħlom ħolma, iżda ma kinetx. Il-parruċċani, sħabi fost oħrajn, iħarsu lejja u jitbissmu x’ħin jarawni liebes ftit differenti, imma kont u għadni nħossni li bqajt l-istess persuna. Għalkemm bqajt bil-karrattru tiegħi, nemmen li l-Mulej qed jaħdem permezz tal-faqar tiegħi. Fija nħoss dik ir-responsabilta’ ta’ dak kollu lil wegħdt lil Alla quddiem l-Isqof u…

Five Men to be Ordained Deacons

Tomorrow, Sunday 9th November, 2014, four seminarians and a Capuchin friar are going to be ordained deacons by His Lordship Monsignor Charles J. Scicluna, Titular Bishop of San Leone, Apostolic Administrator, Sede Vacante, during a mass celebrated at Christ the King Parish Church, Paola, commencing at 6:00pm.

The five deacons-to-be are, Carlo Calleja from Stella Maris Parish Church, Sliema, Abraham D’Amato, from St Peter in Chains Parish, Birżebbuġa, Christopher Ellul, from Christ the King Parish, Paola, Br Bertrand Vella OFMCap…

Apostleship of Prayer – November

Attached you will find a prayer proposal in English and in Maltese for the Pope’s Universal Intention for November.

The reflection rotates around the experience of solitude of a child.

Appostolat tat talb #finalNovember 2014

Novembru 2014

Il-Bidu jiġi wara t-tmiem.

Għadni niftakar il-mument tant emozzjonanti meta bdejt il-mixja tiegħi fis-Seminarju ftit tas-snin ilu u issa ġa wasalt fl-aħħar sena tiegħi ta’ formazzjoni fis-Seminarju u ser nibda fażi ġdida f’ħajti. Fi ftit ġranet oħra, jien flimkien ma’ erbgħa oħra minn sħabi ser niġu ordnati djakni. Huwa mument importanti ħafna f’ħajti għax b’dan il-pass ser ningħata b’mod iktar sħiħ lil Alla u lill-Knisja.

Id-djaknu fil-Knisja tal-bidu kien l-id il-leminija tal-isqof fil-ħidma tiegħu fost il-foqra. Illum id-djaknu (li jfisser ‘qaddej’) hu dak li…

Respecting Rights and Dignity of Women

Pope Francis invites peoples of different faiths to come together and pray, the intention for the month of March being:

That all cultures may respect the rights and dignity of women.

Getting started:

As I sit down comfortably I try to calm down. I thank God for the people who accompany me in my daily life. I take time to give thanks to God for each and everyone of them.

Short story:

Rachael and Anne were twin sisters. But Rachael…

Talbiet għall-Vokazzjonijiet

Dawn li ġejjien jistgħu jintalbu bħala talbiet universali jew bejn posta u oħra waqt ir-Rużarju.

1. Nitolbu biex ħafna żgħażagħ jisimgħu s-sejħa t’Alla u bħal Marija jilqgħuha b’qalb kbira.
R./. Ismagħna nitolbuk Mulej.

2. Nitolbu għall-ġenituri nsara biex irabbu lil uliedhom fit-tagħlim nisrani u jgħinuhom jiftħu qalbhom għas-sejħat tal-Mulej.
R./. Ismagħna nitolbuk Mulej.

3. Nitolbu għall-parroċċa tagħna biex tkun komunità ħajja ta’ fidi, tama u mħabba li fiha ħafna żgħażagħ  jisimgħu s-sejħa għall-ħajja saċerdotali u reliġjuża.
R./. Ismagħna nitolbuk Mulej.

4. Nitolbu biex qatt ma jiġri…

More respect for wisdom & experience of the elderly

This is the Pope’s prayer intention for the month of February:

That the Church and society may respect the wisdom and experience of older people.

Getting started:

I find a quiet place and a comfortable position. I become aware of my breathing… I concentrate on my lungs as they become full and then empty while I draw air in and out. At this moment, I try to feel the presence of God and invite him into my heart.


Praying for authentic economic development

The Pope invites people of different faiths to come together and pray:

That all may promote authentic economic development that respects the dignity of all peoples.

Getting started:

I sit in a comfortable place and try to leave the bustle of everyday life behind. As I sit I become aware of the sensation of my clothes against my skin, of the texture of the fabric. If I am wearing something uncomfortable, I adjust my clothes until I feel more comfortable.
