Forming priests for the post-Trump era – Part 1

According to the Washington Post, Clinton and Trump raised slightly more than 2 billion dollars for their campaign for Presidency. The Seminary in Malta – crowdfunded from parishes – gets an average of €120,000 for the entire year. So it might sound stupid to explore how to prepare young people as priests for the post-Trump era. The impression one gets is that it is more catering for a niche market for the few people who still have Sunday mass…

Seven to be Ordained Deacons

On Friday 30th October 2015, six seminarians and a Conventual Franciscan friar are going to be ordained deacons by Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna, during a celebration of Mass starting at 6:30pm, at St Sebastian’s Parish Church, Ħal Qormi.

The following will be ordained deacons: Allister Marija Aquilina OFM Conv.; Sergio Fenech and Mark Mallia Pawley from St Sebastian’s Parish Church, Ħal Qormi; Claude Mifsud, from the Parish of the Assumption of Our Lady, Mosta; James Saydon, from the Parish of…

Erba’ saċerdoti ġodda

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 3 ta’ Lulju 2015, Festa ta’ San Tumas Appostlu, l-Arċisqof Charles J. Scicluna ser jordna erba’ saċerdoti ġodda (tlieta djoċesani u wieħed reliġjuż) waqt Quddiesa fil-Kon-katidral ta’ San Ġwann, il-Belt Valletta. Iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tibda fis-6:30 p.m.

L-erba’ djakni li ser jiġu ordnati saċerdoti huma:

Rev. Carlo Calleja mill-Parroċċa ta’ Stella Maris, Tas-Sliema,
Rev. Christopher Ellul mill-Parroċċa ta’ Kristu Re, Raħal Ġdid,
Rev. Bertrand Vella OFM Cap,
Rev. Mark Joseph Zammit mill-Parroċċa ta’ Marija Annunzjata, Ħal Tarxien.
Kulħadd huwa mistieden biex jattendi għal velja ta’…

Message of Pope Francis for the 52nd WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Fourth Sunday of Easter offers us the figure of the Good Shepherd who knows his sheep: he calls them, he feeds them and he guides them. For over fifty years the universal Church has celebrated this Sunday as the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. In this way she reminds us of our need to pray, as Jesus himself told his disciples, so that “the Lord of the harvest may send out labourers into his…

God is one illogical matrix…

Yes He Is! Trying to rationalize reality will sooner or later force one to conclude God is One Illogical Being. How is it that He loves us and yet He allows suffering, injustice and evil in the world?

Well, God might not be the only one! How can I explain my vocation to the priesthood as anything but illogical? After obtaining a Master’s degree in IT, and working for over six years in software

Faith interfaces with science

The recent issue of 3-parent babies in the UK has again brought to the fore the Science-Faith debate. In this case, the Anglican and Catholic Churches have both voiced their concerns about this scientific possibility. But should they have spoken or should they have kept their place and refrain from interfering with what lies in the scientific sphere?CBugeja_SundayTimes (2)

The process of 3-parent babies involves removing the genetic material from the donor’s…

Jew Tiegħi jew Xejn

Dak li għaddej bħalissa madwarna jfakkarni fid-diska ta’ John Lennon “Imagine”. F’din id-diska John Lennon jidentifika żewġ problemi fid-dinja: il-problema tal-idealiżmu reliġjuż u l-problema tal-kontroll. Fil-Lvant Nofsani u n-naħa ta’ fuq tal-Afrika, kif ukoll naraw l-effeti tagħha fl-Ewropa, hemm kunflitti SFenech_Illummqajma minħabba l-idealiżmu reliġjuż. Filwaqt li fl-Ukrajna għandek kunflitt imqajjem minn kontroll fuq territorju. Għal dan John Lennon joffri soluzzjoni li kulħadd ikun l-istess u jaħseb l-istess, imma hija verament soluzzjoni?…

Pro-Life choice

L-għażla favur il-ħajja hi tema li spiss tiġi diskussa. Forsi għal ħafna minna, dan is-suġġet jibqa’ għaddej minn fuq rasna bla ma naħsbu xejn dwaru. Fil-ħajja magħġla tal-lum, ftit li xejn wieħed għandu ċans joqgħod jaħseb fuq il-ħajja. Iżda ħaġa tal-iskantament, diversi minna jeħduha qatta bla ħabel kontra MMalliaPawley_Lehen_is-Sewwadawk li jitkellmu favur l-abort jew l-ewtanasja. Dan għaliex ilkoll għandna għal qalbna l-valur tal-ħajja umana sa mit-tnissil tagħha u nagħrfu li hemm…

Missier Twajjeb

Issa li kważi ser jagħlaq sentejn fil-ħidma tiegħu, nistgħu nsejħu lil Papa Franġisku Missier Twajjeb! U forsi hawn min jistaqsi: x’jagħmlu hekk? Franġisku min-natural tiegħu jħobb ikun qalb in-nies: qalb l-ulied tal-Missier li l-istess Missier fdalu f’idejh. Jidħaq ma’ min jidħaq, jibki ma’ min jibki, jagħti kelma ta’ inkoraġġiment lil dawk li jesperjenzaw qtigħ il-qalb, tgħanniqa mill-qalb lill-marid, taptipa lill-batut:CMifsud_It-Torca dan hu Papa Franġisku għalija u żgur għal ħafna minna! Saħansitra…


Tiftaħ it-televixin jew il-gazzetta u tara jew taqra dwar qtil ’l hawn u gwerer ’l hemm, serq, sfruttar ta’ persuni, kriminalità u iktar. Iċempillek xi ħadd tal-familja jew tiltaqa’ ma’ xi ħadd li tafu u jirrakkuntalek fuq xi marda jew biċċa inkwiet oħra fil-familja. Tmur ix-xogħol u xi ħadd minn sħabek jiftaħ qalbu GScicluna_Il-Mumentmiegħek li għandu l-problemi mal-mara jew mar-raġel, jew forsi inkwetat bit-tfal minħabba xi vizzju jew relazzjoni li qiegħda…